Why Register Early?, News (Chatham Kent Girls Hockey)

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Jun 14, 2024 | Myria Mallette | 632 views
Why Register Early?
Have you been wondering why you have been getting emails already to sign up for hockey and summer hasn't even started??  

If you are like the rest of us, it's hard to even think about the fall with how busy your kids are with spring and summer sports.  We get it!  However, as spring and summer sports continue, the CKGHA Board is hard at work planning for the upcoming season.  

In order for the association to be organized and run the best experience possible for our players and families, the planning behind the scenes begins now.  The sooner we have accurate numbers, the more accurate we can be with predicting our ice time needs from from the city.  
The association also needs to ensure that coaches are lined up for teams in advance and doing this earlier in the year, allows those coaches to get plans in order for their teams before the season actually begins.  
Lastly, as an association we need to ensure each team has a league to play in.  When we know accurate numbers earlier, we are able to apply to leagues properly.
We have loved seeing our growing numbers and would like to welcome as many players as possible. 

Please let us know as soon as you can if your child will be playing with CK Crush by registering here: https://ckgha.com/Pages/2268/General_Information/   

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