Registration Deadline Approaching Quickly, News (Chatham Kent Girls Hockey)

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Jul 11, 2023 | Myria Mallette | 1630 views
Registration Deadline Approaching Quickly
If your daughter is interested in playing CK Crush Hockey, the deadline to register is 

July 31st.  This provides the association with more accurate numbers for each team for the fall and allows them to better prepare for the start of the new season. 

Registration deadline: July 31st
Payment due by August 15th. 

Visit Registration: General Information for more info and the link to sign up.  
Nest Realty
Nest Realty co-sponsored the purchase of tablets that will replace hard copy game sheets this season. Thank you for your generous support!
Amaizablaze Corn Stoves
Sales, Service and Installation of corn fired stoves. Contact Pat Bednarik at 519-683-2371 (519-809-4759)