CK Crush to have 2 U9 Teams, News (Chatham Kent Girls Hockey)

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Jun 07, 2023 | Myria Mallette | 791 views
CK Crush to have 2 U9 Teams
The CKGHA is proud to announce that we will be running both a U9 Travel Girl’s Hockey Team, as well as a House League Team, for the 2023-24 season.  

All girls interested in playing for either team next year will be asked to register in RAMP once the registration opens. 

Practice skates as well as ‘sorting skates’ will be held in September for those interested in playing for either team.  As these skates must occur before the season begins, there will be a cost (above and beyond registration fees) to attend them.  As more information about these skates becomes available, it will be posted to the CKGHA website.  

In anticipation of running two U9 teams, the CKGHA will also be looking to hire a coach for the House League U9 team.  Applications are currently being accepted for this position here.
The Optimist Club of Chatham
The Optimist Club of Chatham co-sponsored the purchase of tablets that will replace hard copy game sheets this season. Thank you for your generous support!
Amaizablaze Corn Stoves
Sales, Service and Installation of corn fired stoves. Contact Pat Bednarik at 519-683-2371 (519-809-4759)