CKGHA Annual General Meeting, News (Chatham Kent Girls Hockey)

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May 22, 2023 | Myria Mallette | 672 views
CKGHA Annual General Meeting
Details of the AGM for CKGHA:

Purpose of:the AGM 
a) receipt of the agenda;
b) receipt of the minutes of the previous annual and subsequent special meetings;
c) consideration of the financial statements;
d) election of Directors; and
e) such other or special business as may be set out in the notice of meeting.
Any Member, upon request, shall be provided, not less than ten (10) days or other number of days prescribed in regulations before the annual meeting, with a copy of the approved financial statements and other financial information required by the By-laws or articles.

Any member may make additions to the agenda including amendments to the constitution, by-laws and rules and regulations or raise any other business properly before the meeting, upon application via email to the secretary ten (10) days prior to the meeting.   
If you wish any of the information or wish to make an addition to the agenda please make contact prior to June 2nd.
Our AGM will be held Monday June 12th starting at 7pm. It will be held virtually. please contact Chris white @    [email protected] to have a link sent to you. 

Nest Realty
Nest Realty co-sponsored the purchase of tablets that will replace hard copy game sheets this season. Thank you for your generous support!
The Laborers' International Union of North America is an American and Canadian labor union formed in 1903.