Provincials Update, News (Chatham Kent Girls Hockey)

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Apr 15, 2023 | Myria Mallette | 996 views
Provincials Update
Crush headed into day 3 of OWHA provincials after some hard caught losses, ties and wins! 

U18 AA: 3 Losses  
U18 C: 1 Win and 1 Loss 
U15 C: 2 Losses 
U13 B: 1 Win and 1 Tie 
U13 C: 2 Wins 

Keep up the hard work ladies!!  
The Laborers' International Union of North America is an American and Canadian labor union formed in 1903.
Nest Realty
Nest Realty co-sponsored the purchase of tablets that will replace hard copy game sheets this season. Thank you for your generous support!