U13HL Win Silver!, News (Chatham Kent Girls Hockey)

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Nov 27, 2022 | mpearce | 717 views
U13HL Win Silver!
The U13HL Crush won silver this weekend at the St. Thomas Panthers on the Prowl tournament!

In the round robin, they beat the Kincardine Kinuks 3-2, lost to the Waterloo Ravens 3-0, and beat the St. Thomas Panthers 2-0. They played the Wilmot Wolverines in the semi-final, winning 2-1 in a shootout. Despite a strong effort the finals, they lost 3-1 to Waterloo.

Congratulations on an excellent tournament!

The Laborers' International Union of North America is an American and Canadian labor union formed in 1903.
Nest Realty
Nest Realty co-sponsored the purchase of tablets that will replace hard copy game sheets this season. Thank you for your generous support!
The Optimist Club of Chatham
The Optimist Club of Chatham co-sponsored the purchase of tablets that will replace hard copy game sheets this season. Thank you for your generous support!