OWHA Bulletin, News (Chatham Kent Girls Hockey)

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Apr 10, 2022 | mpearce | 806 views
OWHA Bulletin
This following is an OWHA Bulletin in relation to COVID-19:


It is critical to move forward with the understanding that, at any time, restrictions could be imposed from various levels of government, municipalities, PHUs, facilities and from the OWHA itself. 

These could include specific requirements such as mandatory vaccinations, masking, screening contact tracing and complete shutdowns. 

It is important to know that OWHA is committed to providing hockey opportunities to participants.

Following the completion of the 2021/22 hockey season and commencing with tryouts for the 2022/23 hockey season the OWHA’s position, until further notice, is as follows:

Vaccinations: The OWHA strongly recommends that everyone eligible to be vaccinated is fully vaccinated prior to participation in OWHA sanctioned activities. Any participant who is not fully vaccinated and chooses to register must understand that, if mandatory vaccinations return, they will be no longer eligible to participate. Vaccinations are not mandatory for tryouts for the 2022/23 season, at this time.

Masks: OWHA encourages the use of masks as per the provincial, PHU and facility requirements. OWHA and its Members may mandate the use of masks as deemed appropriate.

Screening: Passive screening, in accordance with provincial requirements is in place. OWHA and its Members may mandate the use of screening as deemed appropriate.

Contact Tracing: Contact tracing is not required at this time. OWHA and its Members may mandate the use of contact tracing as deemed appropriate.


Kind Regards, 

Ontario Women’s Hockey Association

225 Watline Avenue

Mississauga, Ontario

L4Z 1P3

Phone 905-282-9980

Email [email protected]

Web www.owha.on.ca

Twitter @OWHAhockey

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Nest Realty co-sponsored the purchase of tablets that will replace hard copy game sheets this season. Thank you for your generous support!
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